Custom Fields - reSPACio

Custom Fields

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Custom Fields Overview

Custom fields of various types can be added to Properties and Contacts to store additional information. These fields that you create can be:

  • Used if the database of properties or contacts you are importing has additional data fields that you wish to import.
  • Used in XML / JSON feeds that are exported, such as to your website
  • Made to appear as searchable fields in the advanced search

When you create a Custom field for Contacts, they will appear in the Personal Details tab. In Properties, they appear in the Misc tab.

Custom Fields Settings

To view Custom Fields, go to your settings, Master module and click on the Custom Fields tab. The top menu of this tab allows you to:

  • Create a new custom field
  • Preview and change the layout / Order of your Custom Fields
  • Change your view of Active / Inactive fields and the number in the list.

Create a Custom Field

Click on CREATE NEW and select the type of field you wish to create.

Preview and change the Custom Field Layout

You can change the order that Custom fields are displayed and the layout by using the drag and drop interface when you press the PREVIEW button.

Custom Field Types

There are ten different types of Custom Fields that can be created, in order to suit the data that you want to store:


Simple field for short text entry.

Text Area

Simple field to enter longer text entries


Simple field to enter a number


Simple field to enter a percent %


A currency dropdown followed by a field to enter a financial quantity


A date field with a calendar picker popup


A dropdown allowing the user to pick one of the dropdown items. You can add or edit the dropdown items by clicking "Add Your Choices" in the custom field configuration. See the video for more information.

File Upload

Allows user to upload a file to the system and a provides a button for the file to be downloaded.

Radio Button

Shows Radio buttons allowing the user to pick one selection. You can edit the button items by clicking "Add Your Choices" in the custom field configuration. See the video for more information.


Shows Checkboxes, the user may choose one or more checkboxes. You can edit the checkbox  items by clicking "Add Your Choices" in the custom field configuration. See the video for more information.

Common Custom Field Settings

Active / Inactive

Click on Active or Inactive to show the custom field to users. Save changes.


Each field added must have a title. The title is displayed with the entry field on the user interface.

Both / Property / Contact

Select Both if you want the field to appear on both contact and properties, or select Contact / Property if you just need it to appear on one type of record.


Select if the field is required and the user cannot advance or save without it being filled in.

Select if you want the field to appear as an option in Advanced Search.

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