Importing Contacts - reSPACio

Importing Contacts

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Contacts can be imported from a spreadsheet into the system. This is a useful option to save time when you have a number of contacts to import. Before starting an import, it is important to ensure that your data is formatted correctly.

Formatting data for import

From the Contact list view, click on Option and select Import Contact. To see an example of a contact file, you can download a sample Excel file. Examining the download file will help you understand the format in which telephone numbers are imported, and how to arrange multiple phone numbers in the file you wish to upload. Multiple phone numbers are divided by a pipe | and each number is identified:

Mobile number 1: +91 99999999999 (WhatsApp) | Mobile number 2 : +91 9033101943 

In this example, Mobile 1 is also used for Whatsapp. International dialing codes are prefixed with a + sign followed by a space.

Email addresses follow the same pattern, and a pipe is used to indicate multiple email addresses.

personal Email : [email protected] (primary) | work email : [email protected]

If you are importing data that such as Source or Groups, you need to ensure that the Source or Group has been added to the system before the import. You cannot use this sheet to create new Sources or Groups

Importing your contacts

Having ensured that your data is correctly formatted, click on Option in the contact list again and click on the excel spreadsheet icon. Select the spreadsheet in your computer and click Import.

The next stage is to map the fields on your spreadsheet with the CRM. You will see a list of all the CRM fields in two columns with a dropdown menu beside each field. Click on the dropdown menu to select the field from your spreadsheet that corresponds with the CRM field.

When you are done, you can save the template if you aim to use it again, so that in future you will not need to go through the field mapping process.

Click import to import your sheet and the system will show you a green success message when the import is complete.

Checking your import: When you look at your contact list after import, you will see Revert last Import in the top toolbar. If you click this, it will undo the import that you have just done. Keep this window open in a tab and open imported contacts in a new tab by right clicking to verify the import is as you want it. When you close this contact list window, the Revert last import function will disappear, so ensure that you keep this tab open until you have verified the import.
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